Monday, October 29, 2007


I have used this site many times when trying to catch a news story that I missed. I looked at the most viewed videos and latest videos but did not see too many I would be interested in. I liked how they had a categories page. Maybe a library website could have a categories page for people to click on and get the resources that are available in that category (databases, books, magazines,etc).

The video above is an old film on becoming a librarian. I thought it was interesting. It shows how much has changed (computers, etc) and how much has stayed the same.


I have been listening to podcasts for about a year now. I listen to Bill Maher, The Ricky Gervais podcast (the most downloaded podcast) and This American Life. I have gotten them all from iTunes. I like to listen to them on my iPod at lunch or in the car to and from work. They are free which is great! This is a good alternative to talk radio. Also whenever I plug my iPod into my computer iTunes automatically downloads them so I do not have to search. I found some interesting book review podcasts. The New York Times does one. This can be a great tool.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Elizabeth Martin is at work doing her TechTrek exercise. It is Thursday and it is raining. It is the kind of weather that makes you want to go to sleep. I look forward to watching The Office tonight and the return of Scrubs.

Zoho Writer

I tried using Zoho Writer. It had some of the same features as Microsoft Word. It took a little getting used to. I don't think it will replace Microsoft Word anytime soon. This is the universal tool for word processing. I did see the publish to the blog feature and above is how it came out on the blog. I played around with several different features so I may have done something wrong along the way. I had never heard of these tools so I definitely will remember that there is an alternative to Word. Tech Trek is almost over. I am looking forward to the MP3 player :)

Friday, October 19, 2007

Vote for Cocky

Vote for Cocky for mascot of the year


Dottie has a Dogster page! Here is a Halloween photo. She is too cute.