Tuesday, August 21, 2007

RSS Feeds - Revised

Here is the link to my RSS feeds:

Instant Messaging

I just did my instant messaging assignment. I used the reference instant messaging service to answer a question I get often. It worked well. I had used AOL instant messaging years ago with some cousins in another state. It was fun but sometimes hard to do. I also had to do some in library school and my computer was old so all my comments were delayed. I have also used the instant messaging as an assignment in library school for a virtual reference assignment. I think it is a good service to offer.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

First Entry - Tech Trek Blog - 7 1/2 habits

Welcome to my Blog..

The easiest habit for me is to begin with an end in mind. Everyone who knows me knows I like to have a plan. Always. Also if you know the goal it helps you in the process to keep you moving and motivated.

The hardest habit for me is to view problems as challenges. I tend to think of them as a crisis and not a challenge that will teach me something. This is especially true when the problem is occuring. Later I can see what I learned but during I sometimes loose my head from the stress of the situation. I hope to work on that.

Also, I have a blog I started with my Teen Advisory Board.
Check it out here: www.mtpteens.blogspot.com